

Leader Deputy Medicine cat Medicine cat apprentice Warriors Apprentices Queens Kits Elders Cats Outside the Clan


As the sun fell fell over the abandoned twolegplace that made up Popclan's territory, golden eyes flashed in between the trees. A dark brown she-cat blended into the shadows almost perfectly as she stalked ever closer. Her eyes locked on the strange red symbols above the entrance to an odd twoleg den she had been watching for a quarter-moon. Dark shapes milled about inside, with no clue they were being watched. A cold, late leaf-fall wind sweeping through the old den, bringing the scent of many cats into her nostrils from a tree-length away. It had been as easy as swallowing a minnow for her to get so close and watch them for so long. There were no other clans nearby and the cats of Popclan had grown used to the peace that was soon going to be destroyed at her own paws.

Chapter 1

Groovepaw, yawned and stretched as the first rays of sunlight filtered into the apprentice den.